Alutec Custom Built 48 steel blue water cruiser

Alutec Custom built 48ft steel cutter rigged sloop. This is one of the most impressive yachts we have seen in decades. She has everything for serious ocean cruising in abundance, beautifully cared for and maintained.  Built Alutec Marine Ltd, Scotland to William Bollard design between 2003-2010, finally commissioned in 2012.  With such a wealth of equipment please read the full specification below to see how incredibly well equipped she is. More detailed information and construction photos available on request. VAT paid £315,000  Click the link below for our main details   Wintering in Crete 2017/2018


Brokers Comments:
‘In the many years we have been inspecting, valuing and selling yachts, we rarely see a yacht which has had this level of thought and craftsmanship poured into every aspect of the build and commissioning. Further, the fact that the owners were heavily involved right from the start and now continue to lavish such care and attention on their yacht is clearly evident in her current condition throughout. A better example of this type of ‘ready for anything / go-anywhere’ sailing vessel would be hard to find….’


News Posted September 2017