Bought – Formosa 51 – Alec Lawless

I am writing to express our gratitude for the professional assistance received from Williams and Smithells with the purchase of our recently acquired yacht.

There is a bewildering array of vessels on the market and the business of short listing, viewing and negotiating is potentially very time consuming.

For us getting the right boat was more important than where she was lying so the potential for wasting time and money in idle pursuit was huge.

Having made a shortlist I had extensive conversations with Mark Ellyatt regarding individual boats. On each occasion I found his candidness refreshing and his knowledge inspired confidence.

A broker is ostensibly acting for the vendor but needs to tread a fine line with potential buyers. Mark certainly managed to achieve this balance and so with his help we only viewed one boat, which as it happens was at the top of our list. The sale went through smoothly and quickly.

When the time comes and we are no longer sprightly enough to hop around the decks of our boat we know where we will be selling her. We are very happy to recommend Williams and Smithells to prospective buyers or vendors.