Classic 28ft 6 Tonner

Classic 28ft 6 Tonner. A true classic yacht, built in 1959 by William King of Burnham-on-Crouch to an F.B.R. Brown design.  Built to exacting standards for her owner with the very best materials.  3/4 inch teak planking on rock elm frames provide a sturdy and elegant foundation for this immaculate bermudian sloop.  Click here for details

Designed as a boat that would sail upright, would not draw too much water, and would provide as much comfort as can be had in a 6 tonner.  With beautiful lines and economical overhangs, Amble is a comfortable cruiser for three people.  Fully restored in 2013, she is now offered with an impressive inventory and considered specification and is ready to sail away to be admired and enjoyed in equal measure.  £35,000