Greek Cruising Tax 2014

Cruising Tax information in Greece – Williams & Smithells for information relating to the proposals for a Greek Cruising tax that may come into affect January 2014.  The information below was taken from the British Cruising Association (UK org) website.

Updated 26 Nov 2013

The Cruising Association has a copy, in Greek, of a law debated by the Greek Government which will be implemented once it has been published (gazetted)  The law introduces a “Staying Fee” to be levied on small leisure craft over 7m LOA which sail, moor or anchor in Greek waters. The fee will apply to both commercial and private craft. The registration document LOA will be used for calculating fees.

Our first attempt at translation reveals:

The fee is payable from 1st January, 2014. It will cover one calender year’s stay, with an option to pay for monthly periods for craft over 12m LOA. Amounts are:

7m – 8m                 €200

8m – 10m              €300

10m – 12m             €400

Over 12m               €100/metre

Vessels over 12m have two options to reduce costs; pay €10 per metre for the month ahead, or be “permanently based” in Greece and obtain a 30% discount from the annual fee. What comprises “permanently based” has not yet been published.

Receipts for fees must be carried with ships papers, and may be asked for at any time. The receipt is valid for the whole period of pre-payment, and remains valid if the boat leaves Greek waters and returns later. Rebates are not payalble for periods out of Greek waters.

“Electronic” payment will be possible annually in December for the following year, or on entry into Greek waters. When arriving in a port of entry, EU boats obtaining a DEKPA, and non-EU boats obtaining a Transit Log, can pay cash on arrival.  Boats already in Greece on 1 Jan 2014 will need to pay at their local tax office or port authority to remain in Greece.

If a receipt can’t be produced on request, the boat can be detained until a full fee has been paid, plus a 100% penalty fee.


1. The proposed law is the result of two years of negotiations between opposing points of view; tourism interests, versus taxation needs. It is a compomise, and as we understand it, it contains some anomalies. We are arranging a good translation, and will then ask questions of the Greek authorities to clarify as many remaining uncertainties as we can.

2. To keep this in context, two and three years back two previous laws were passed introducing taxes for larger vessels. However, in both years, procedures to implement the laws were suspended after very strong objections from influential owners of larger boats.

3.  A meeting of the Mediterranean section of the Cruising Association on 21 Nov was attended by some 60 memberss. It was recognised that this was probably a “done deal”, with little opportunity for major change. The most apt response recommended was to seek concessions for categories of sailors most likely to leave Greek waters as a result of this legislation. These were recognised as boats affected by the “step change” in charges at 12m, and visitors in boats under 12m from other countries, forced to pay a full season tax for a short vsit.

4.  The CA is working out the most effective way to present these arguments to the authorities.

5.  This news item will be kept up to date as further information is obtained.

Cruising Association

Tel: +44 (0) 2380 768 962

Keep Calm

Click here for Noonsite information and updates on the Greek Cruising Tax status

Click here for the Crusing Association updates and info on the Greek Cruisign Tax Status.